
Nadiem Makarim, Minister for Education, Culture, Research and Technology, reveals the bold policies and innovative, tech-based solutions that have transformed Indonesian education at all levels....

 Lily Kong, President, Singapore Management University, describes the institution’s efforts to push sustainability and new digital advancements to promote improved learning and social action...

Ramón Arilla Llorente, Rector, ESIC University, Dean, ESIC Business & Marketing School, underlines the importance of education in the development of industrial growth and culture and the importance of teaching ethical business practices to create a better world of tomorrow....

Maria Amata Garito, Rector, International Telematic University UNINETTUNO, tells us about the institution’s goal to bridge international markets through the democratic proliferation of skills and knowledge and the role of digital technologies in breaking down societal barriers in education....

Jean Charroin, Dean and CEO, ESSCA School of Management, outlines the university’s drive to fill various markets with compact learning campuses and the importance of sustainability in business....

Herbert Castéran, Dean, EM Strasbourg Business School, outlines the institution’s particular focus on education through self growth and the importance of balancing theoretical and hands-on learning...

Iryna Tykhomyrova, President, International Management Institute, talks about the school’s initiatives to create a business education platform in Central Asia and possibilities Ukraine represents for business...

Anne-Marie Croteau, Dean, John Molson School of Business, outlines the steps the institution has taken to instil sustainability in its faculty and students and revamp its curricula to prepare for the coming digital revolution...